If you are ever looking for Prom Dresses, Evening Dresses, a Dress to wear to a Wedding or even a fancy Cocktail party, THIS is the place to go to in NYC. I remember going to MackTak Mart when I was looking for my prom dress and they had by far the best selection of all the places I went to. It took me half a year to decide what dress I wanted to wear, because of course prom is such a huge deal :). In the end, I was very happy with the dress I selected for prom which was a long champaign gold form fitting dress with an elaborate train at the back. So, when Katrina from MackTak contacted me to do this collaboration, I couldn’t resist because I knew and loved this place so much.

What made you start the blog?
I have always been interested in fashion and saw it as an art form. Every outfit you put together is a fragment of the story you’re telling tothe world. I discovered fashion blogs about 4 years ago and got really inspired because I saw normal everyday girls getting “dressed up” (whatever that means) just because they wanted to. With no specific event to go to and no particular occasion. I admired the way in which each blogger embraced their personal style. I believe that the way in which you present yourself says a lot about you and it was refreshing seeing everyday individuals taking pride in the way they outfitted themselves. I also wanted to share inspirational writings from writers, poets and other note worthy people on my blog, so not could I only have a collection of my favorite pieces of writing in one place, but also be able to present them to anyone who needs some inspiration.
How did you come up with the name for your blog and is there a story behind it?
Haha! Coming up with a name was the most difficult part I think. I was completely lost because I wanted something that I wouldn’t be tempted to change 3 months into blogging. I remember writing down a whole list of tacky names, most of which included the word ‘fashion’, but then I decided to keep it simple. Opal is a “Precious Gemstone”and I always loved that about my name so the blog name just developed from there, coupled with a little inspiration from ‘Marc by Marc Jacobs’. I thought it was a bit corny at first and I wanted to change it after my third or fourth blog post but my sisters convinced me that the name was fitting. And OpalbyOpal was born.
Describe your style
I think my style is simple and clean with a hint of sexy. 
Do you have fashion idols, or celebrities that inspire you?
I don’t necessarily have fashion idols but I am always curious to see what Rihanna, Nicole Richie and my fellow fashion bloggers are wearing 🙂
Who takes your pictures usually?
My sister took my photos when I first started blogging but now my beau takes them. 
What is your goal?
My goal, as stated on my blog, is simply to inspire the uninspired.
What do you do in your free time?
I literally have no free time because I work 2 jobs, 7 days a week which is why it is so difficult for me to be consistent with my blogging. I truly wish I could keep up for the sake of those Gems who visit my blog. If I do get any down time, I like to just go to a park (Highline or Hudson River Park) and read or play volleyball.
What is a must have for an outfit and what do you avoid when styling?
It’s important for an outfit to complement your figure. Not every article of clothing is meant for everyone to wear. I also like to throw in an oversized day clutch for any outfit especially in the summer time. I avoid matching too much when styling any outfit.
Tell us something personal about yourself
Hmmm….something personal about me…I’m a very quiet person. Introvert at heart and socially awkward at times 🙂
What is your favorite MackTak dress?
My absolute favorite MackTak dress is THIS Terani dress. I have been sooo in LOVE with it ever since I first laid eyes on it. Which was probably about 2 years ago. Ahh I wish I owned it :-/
Happy Sunday && Happy Father’s Day to ALL the daddy’s!


  1. Lovely dresses. you are truly achieving the goal set out by starting your blog,I get a lot of inspiration from your blog. Thanks for sharing.


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