- Did you know that Ancient Greeks used 8 different words for “Love”? - What we throw under the same umbrella of love (“I love you, baby”) are many different feelings and emotions. - A successful relationship should include a healthy mix of all "Loves" that Greeks knew about.
Sexual compatibility is knowing your intimate desires and communicating them to your partner.
Loyalty to one another, making sacrifices, and sharing emotions are all elements of a successful partnership.
That feeling of “butterflies” you get when you see each other.
Being prepared to go out of your way to care for the other person – whether it’s a family member or a distant stranger.
Patience, making compromises, and working toward a common goal.
You feel Meraki when you lose yourself dancing, painting, cooking, or doing anything else that brings a smile to your face.
If you don’t love yourself, how can you expect your partner to love you?
Ok, let’s limit our obsession with your partner to a healthy minimum.