WE’RE ENGAGED!! I am so thrilled to share with you Gems, that Maxim did the deed and I said YES . The feeling of knowing that I get to marry and spend the rest of my life with the person I love with every inch of my body is Incredible.
I know they say most girls dream up their wedding day from a very young age but I was never that type. I was more in love with the idea of Love itself. I dreamt up the qualities I wanted in the person I’d love and who’d love me back just the same and then some. Someone intelligent, ambitious, kind-hearted, open-minded and someone whose love I could feel wholeheartedly. I am so lucky to have met that person in Maxim. From day 1 when we met at St. John’s University, we were inseparable. He’d make time to walk me to the shuttle or subway station and made sure I got home safely, he’d always show up on time for dates, he’d be there whenever I needed support emotionally, and he’d be my biggest cheerleader pushing me to pursue my dreams at my lowest points. It’s been 8+ years since we first locked eyes and like any couple, we’ve had our ups and downs but life with him has been an incredible journey. I remember when we first met, we made a promise that we’d have fun with each other, go with the flow, put communication at the forefront, and most importantly, respect each other.
I always say, if someone loves you, nothing will stop them from getting to you and if they don’t love you, nothing can make them stay. Never settle for a half-baked love that’s not for you no matter the pressures that society might impose. Focus on you first and your love will make its way.